Spring 2022
Title | Chair | Date/Time |
Microcredentials and badging | Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell | Tuesday 22nd March 2pm |
COVID impact: Two years on (including impacts on assessment) | Brian Irwin | Tuesday 10th March 2pm |
Online exams 2022 (proprietary systems, in-house solutions) | Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell | Thursday 17th February 2pm |
Turnitin Update? Session 1 - The future of LTI and migration Q&A - questions from the HeLF community to be submitted 2 weeks before the date of the session, so we can put the Q's to the relevant Tii stakeholder and invite them to the session to provide the answers. Kind of an 'open forum' Q&A session. Session 2 - Academic Integrity - discussion around contract cheating (the scale of the issue in the UK) and the solution Tii offers institutions to tackle this. | Rob Howe | 2nd March at 2pm for session 1 Session 2 31st March at 2pm |
AI / chatbots and related developments. | Rob Howe and Tom Moule | Thursday 24th Feb 2pm |
Dehumanising effects of technology in education | Natalie Lafferty & Dan Clark | Wednesday 16th March 2pm |
Multi-Mode Teaching (hyflex/hybrid/space agnostic etc) | Ann Thanaraj | 20th April 2pm |
Student Group work | Jim Turner | Thursday 7th of April 2.00pm |
360 Media in Teaching and Learning | Farzana Latif |
Summer 2022
Title | Chair | Date/Time |
Turnitin (Professional Educational Services) - The Professional Educational Services Team Lead will be leading the session on how Turnitin can support UK HEI's. | Rob Howe | 8th June 2pm |
VLE templates | Roger Emery | 14/07 11am |
JISC Learning and Teaching licensing update - presentation by Lisa Hewitt (JISC) | Roger Emery | |
Contract cheating hosted by Turinitin and Robin Crockett (Northampton) | Rob Howe | 6th July 2pm |
The role of learning technology in support student induction | Jim Turner | 5th July 2pm |